Sensei Thierry started karate in France at the age of 9 under Sensei Michel Bezot and Serge Chouraqui, who were former students of Sensei Taiji Kase. He currently holds the rank of 4th Dan in Shotokan. He is an accomplished competitor in both kata and kumite, having won gold medals as a regional champion in France from 1995 to 2008 and several national gold medals, and was an accredited WKF referee at the county level.
Sensei Thierry came to the United States in 2012, landed first in Boston, then San Francisco, and settled in Raleigh. He is VP of Professional Services for a French company that produces software for pharmaceutical and personal care products. Outside of karate, Sensei Thierry plays soccer, had played violin, and enjoys French rap and electro music. He and his wife have a young son.